
A luxurious chair cushion, a cozy blanket, a soft and warm winter accessory in your baby stroller... A rug that makes you look forward to putting your feet on the floor each morning, or that little extra for your balcony on a nice summer evening. Or maybe just an accent for your living room: A sheepskin is a marvelous product -  it is extremely durable, perfectly soft and warm, goes with every decor and is completely timeless.

Most of the skins in this shop come from a breed called Old Norwegian, which are very much adapted to our climate. They prefer spending most of the year outside, and at our farm they are free to roam the pastures all year long. This breed produces fairly small and dainty individuals with good instincts, and their fleece is fluffy, relatively short and soft, covered with longer, shiny hairs to protect them from wet weather. This makes the skins very well suited for bed warmers, cushions and baby blankets.

All of our skind are professionally tanned at Granberg, Norway's premiere tannery.